Thursday, February 24, 2011

Justin Bieber

There's nothing wrong with your eyes nor I'm actually crazy to blog about Justin Bieber. The amount of saliva I heard about people saying they don't like Bieber can actually drown Bieber himself. I have to admit, I like to think/say Bieber is nonsense. or don't even know what is he singing about. He sounds like a girl!

Now, everything is about to change. I had a self-enlightenment which I thought to myself, "who are we to hate or judge?" You think he's a kid who sings nonsense? Well, think again. He got nominated and won tons of awards, loved, adored and idolized by idiots people and best of all, he has huge loads of ka ching!

I still do thinks that some of his songs is totally pointless. The most obvious one is definitely Bayi, Bayi Oh~~~ Even then, there's still people who worship him. Even the weirdest person on earth has at least one person who truly appreciates itself.

 Fine, I did not create this post to declare my love for Bieber or how people shouldn't hate him. He's the best example that I can think of when it comes to belittle someone. We often think judge someone just based on the age, background, looks, and whatsoever. Why care about where he comes from or how old he is?! Most important is he's more successful than you. And you are still where you are. lololol....

With all my ramblings, I'm gonna end this post with a quote I don't even remember where I read it or by who

Love me and I will always be in your heart, hate me and I will always be in your head. Both is in my favour but spare me your indifference.

This is based own words. And with words, comes with a photo! 


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